F a c e b o o o k

總共 11
類型 名稱 連結
安全 食品安全衛生管理法 詳細
安全 食品安全衛生管理法施行細則 詳細
安全 食品安全管制系統準則 詳細
安全 食品過敏原標示規定 詳細
安全 嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品廣告及促銷管理辦法 詳細
安全 特殊營養食品查驗登記相關規定修正規定 詳細
安全 特殊營養食品辦理查驗登記相關資料 詳細
安全 食品微生物之檢驗方法-阪崎腸桿菌之檢驗 詳細
安全 輸入規定『508』貨品分類號列表(附件),如屬食品或食品添加物(含香料)用途者,應依照『食品及相關產品輸入查驗辦法』規定,向衛生福利部食品藥物管理署申請辦理輸入食品查驗 詳細
安全 市售包裝嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品及特定疾病配方食品營養標示應遵行事項 詳細
安全 牛樟芝食品管理及標示相關規定 詳細
總共 25
類型 名稱 連結
安全 Final Rule: Current Good Manufacturing Practices, Quality Control Procedures, Quality Factors, Notification Requirements, and Records and Reports, for Infant Formula June 2014 詳細
安全 FINAL RULE CORRECTIONS: Current Good Manufacturing Practices, Quality Control Procedures, Quality Factors, Notification Requirements, and Records and Reports, for Infant Formula July 2014 詳細
安全 Draft Guidance for Industry: Exempt Infant Formula Production: Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs), Quality Control Procedures, Conduct of Audits, and Records and Reports February 2014 詳細
安全 Proposed Rule: The Addition of Minimum and Maximum Levels of Selenium to Infant Formula and Related Labeling Requirements  April 2013 詳細
安全 Guidance for Industry: Frequently Asked Questions about FDA's Regulation of Infant Formula March 1, 2006 詳細
安全 FDA Regulations And Critical Information on the Manufacture And Distribution of Infant Formula  March 2002 詳細
安全 Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Quality Control Procedures, Quality Factors, Notification Requirements, and Records and Reports, for the Production of Infant Formula; Proposed Rule July 9, 1996  詳細
安全 Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, Section 412 - Requirements for Infant Formula 詳細
安全 61 FR 36154 - 1996 Proposed Rule for Infant Formula: Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Quality Control Procedures, Quality Factors 詳細
安全 21 CFR 106 Infant Formula Quality Control Procedures 詳細
安全 21 CFR 106.100 Records and Reports Regulations 詳細
安全 21 CFR 107.3 - 107.30 Infant Formula Labeling Requirements 詳細
安全 21 CFR 107.50 Exempt Infant Formulas 詳細
安全 21 CFR 107.100 Nutrient Requirements for Infant Formulas 詳細
安全 21 CFR 107.200 - 107.280 Infant Formula Recall Requirements 詳細
安全 21 CFR 110 Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or Holding Human Food 詳細
安全 21 CFR 113 Thermally Processed Low-Acid Foods Packaged in Hermetically Sealed Containers 詳細
安全 Guidelines Concerning Notification and Testing of Infant Formulas  1985 (cited in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 412(c)(2)) 詳細
安全  Exempt Infant Formulas Marketed in the United States by Manufacturer and Category 詳細
安全 Frequently Asked Questions about FDA's Regulation of Infant Formula 詳細
安全 Guidance for Industry: Estimating Dietary Intake of Substances in Food 詳細
安全 Guidance for Industry: Considerations Regarding Substances Added to Foods, Including Beverages and Dietary Supplements 詳細
安全 21 CFR Part 181  詳細
安全 CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 詳細
安全 Guidance for Industry: Demonstration of the Quality Factor Requirements Under 21 CFR 106.96(i) for "Eligible" Infant Formulas June 2014 詳細
總共 3
類型 名稱 連結
安全 Regulation (EC) No 178/2002:Food and feed safety  of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28  January 2002 詳細
安全 Regulation (EC)178/2002 詳細
安全 REGULATION (EC) No 2065/2003 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 10 November 2003 on smoke flavourings used or intended for use in or on foods 詳細
